Monday, June 20, 2011

Dolce & Gabbana.

dolce & gabbana.
fall 2011.
campaign preview.
photographer: steven klein.

if you want to know the logistics on who all the models are in this i'll put a link at the go look for yourself. (sorry to be rude, but i just didn't feel like typing all of that out and trying not to mis-spell anyone's name =/ ) any who, i haven't posted an advertisement campaign in awhile...or at least not that i know of. i'm always a big fan of dope group shots. i've seen some here and there, but nothing has really caught my attention recently. then yesterday i saw this and got excited. it's just a preview and i cannot wait until the real deal comes out. i like the clothes and all the models from liu to kate look absolutely fantastic. i think it's fantastic how there's six chicks here but none of them are off. everybody is on point. and that's what i like to see. so go ahead and have a look for yourself. it's very impressive. ;)