Sunday, June 26, 2011

Oscar de la Renta.

oscar de la renta.
resort 2012.
new york.
 images via: styledotcom.

hey guys. sorry for the lack of posts, but let me go right ahead and explain. i work ALL THE TIME! i honestly have no time to do anything anymore. the other day i went shopping and had some "morgan time" but i haven't been able to do that in a realllyyyy long time. all i do is go to work, come home, eat, pass out, read reviews of fashion shows, watch a few of my favorite gurus youtube vids, pass out again, get up and go to work. soooo i apologize but life's been a little crazy. and i also have other things to do as far as my family life goes sooo...yeah. my bad guys. anywayss, i promised my review of the de la renta show a week or two ago so lets just jump right on into this bad boy, shall we?

sooo, when i saw the still shots from this show before i even read a single review, i immediately thought of pablo picasso and de la renta being inspired from his hispanic roots...and what do ya know! your girl was correct. =D there were so many cool rusty colors, reds, black, know. then there was a ton of attention to detail,..wellll at least i thought so. the embroidery wasn't spectacular but it had a VERY VERRYYYYY nice touch. there was always some sort of beading or something on every look. lots of cool patterns, jackets, hats, and gorgeous gowns. this really did strike me as a great collection but especially a great resort collection. for some reason i can ONLY picture the rich and famous prancing around in this stuff, but that's okay. i can just dream of getting to that point lol. any who, obviously i liked this. soo i'm just going to go ahead and post a few of my favorite looks from the catwalk. byeeee.