Sunday, January 30, 2011

Jean Paul Gaultier.

spring couture 2011.
photographs via

ladies ladies ladies! did you enjoy looking at the couture shows these past few days.? they were all so different and fun to look at. well, i know i'm a couple days late, but that's quite alright because most of these shows still can't even be found on youtube yet, so you'll be alright. nowww, jean paul is such a vibrant and different man which turns him into an excellent designer. his quirkiness and creativity is what makes him the designer that he is. so we all know that when we look at couture shows, we expect to see lavish, flowery, and romantic pieces of clothing. well, being jean paul gaultier, he had to make a statement and do something different. i was looking through all of the shows (of course, since i am a blogger lol) and this one REALLY stuck out. i was captivated by the pinstripes, chains, and crazy hair. i also thought the winged eyeliner was pretty sick as well lol. everything was so over the top and punk that i'm pretty sure it surprised some people in the audience lol. but hey, what do you expect. it's a gauliter show haha.
i didn't like all of the clothes, some of them were cool but the overall production of this event was fantastic.
i wish i wasn't stuck here and that i could travel to europe to see all these cool shows first hand...
ohhh well. damn you midwest with your lack of couture fashion!
check out my favorite stills from the show.