Wednesday, March 30, 2011

La Roca.

scarlett davis.
by: molly dickson.

the past 48 hours have done something strange to me. nothing amazing or miraculous happened physically, but only within my mind. i think that as i'm growing older, looking at the world in a different light is something that is now constant. it's ever changing but i'm enjoying every single second of it. i think i'm going to record a youtube video later on today talking about individualism so i want everybody to check that one out when it's up. subscribe to my channel so that you can watch out for it. anyways, something that i've known forever but it hits me harder and harder as the clock ticks throughout the day is that you really only live once. i think for me, the meaning of life simply exists within the realm of whatever you seek out for it to be..or mean. for me, i want to live a free life. in the truest sense of the word...just free. i want to be able to do what i want to do in life, be with the people who bring me the most joy, and learn more and more each day. knowledge is power, and being the little geeky nerd girl that i am, i feel like we can never learn enough. so i want all my fashionistas to know that it's important to always stay true to yourself and just live freely. i feel as though these images that i have chosen really do portray the message that i am trying to get across. don't forget about my youtube vlog channel. ;)
 toodles ladies and gents.